• New Golden powerup items are being offered in NPC shops!
  • Alchemy can be used directly from your Inventory in the (beta) app, bypassing Alchemy Tablets and making the process 10x more simple and streamlined!
  • Unbonded creatures have a shiny new informational widget attached to them in the (beta) Home and Market apps which informs players of the most valuable attributes each individual creature has!

Golden Veggie Powerups


By now, if you’ve been playing for a bit you may be familiar with Golden Apples. These items are only found via NPC trades and have incredible properties which permanently raise ALL of a creature’s natural skills in exchange for one powerup slot. Now, there are three brand new offerings floating around: Golden Spinach, Golden Peas, and Golden Broccoli!

These items function similarly to Golden Apples with one key distinction: different Golden consumables raise specific, targeted groups of stats, allowing players a meaningful choice when building out their pets. Maybe one of your creatures will benefit from a pure combat boost, while others may benefit from mental boosts or crafting abilities.

The only way to attain these items is through conducting high-level trades in NPC shops, or purchasing them from the secondary market!

Alchemy, Straight From Your Inventory


Our beta app has an exciting new feature! For those of you familiar with our Alchemy system, you know it’s one of the most powerful ways to gain mental experience by converting large stacks of unwanted loot directly into XP. This is a particularly important system that plays an enormous role in sustaining the item market in the Krafties ecosystem. It plays such a large role, in fact, that we’ve completely ripped apart the old system and built something that solves the same problem in a much better way for players!

In the old system, players had to spawn a clunky tablet in front of them, interact with it to open a separate standalone app, drag the desired items into place using the app, click a button, go back to the spawned tablet and click it a few times to cast a spell, then click it a few more times to finalize the entire process. Yuck!

In our new system, players simply open their inventory, click the item they’d like to alchemize, input how many items and what type of experience they’d like, and… bam!

Not only will this have a tremendous effect on the player experience, but our projections show that positive ripples will be seen on the secondary market as more items are able to be put to use more quickly. This is something that Krafties is actively monitoring, and is one of the first steps in a plan being enacted to drastically alter the game economy.

Notable Creature Attributes


Finally, one more “notable” improvement has been launched in our beta app! Unbonded creatures have a shiny new informational widget attached to them in the Home and Market apps which informs players of the most valuable attributes each individual unbonded creature has!

This new display ties directly into the same “grading” system that has recently been introduced to the beta apps, but gives much more context and understanding about why a particular creature is graded in a particular way. It makes perusing through fresh new catches a breeze, and gives players a nice summary of exactly where to look when they encounter a new creature.

As of now, the possible Notable Attributes you may see attached to creatures are Natural Skill, Coat, Traits, Elemental Affinity, and Uniqueness. As the grading system grows and evolves things here may change, but the intent behind it will remain the same.

This feature is a part of an ongoing mission to give all players the ability to make educated, meaningful decisions when enjoying Krafties. There’s always work to be done, but this one should have a big impact!

Enjoy the new goodies and… Have fun!