• Krafties is a proud region sponsor of the Second Life Winter Expo! Come check out our AMAZING area there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Expo%202/136/28/23
  • Limited Edition ‘Wintabeast Vulpups’ are available now for a SHORT time, with 100% of proceeds going to ACS to help give the gift of hope to children with cancer!
  • A DOUBLE CRAFT AND BATTLE EXPERIENCE event has just sprung up and will be active throughout the ENTIRE duration of the expo!
  • Breedable… Jelly Jams?! Stay tuned for part II tomorrow to learn all about these mysterious little fellows at the expo, along with even more fun kicking off!

Limited Edition Wintabeast Vulpups Supporting The Fight Against Childhood Cancer

Limited Edition Wintabeast Vulpup

The next limited edition Krafties have arrived! We’re going wild  for our fiercely cute new friends. These beastly powerhouses use a plethora of combat buffs to trample anyone in their way, so watch out!

Wintabeast Vulpups have a special Wintabeast Soul complete with spells and abilities not found on any other type, and all have matching affinity bodies. Each vulpup has a +5 for each natural stat, and all are level 1. The vendor is located at the Krafties display at the Second Life Winter Expo inside of the ever so cute gingerbread house (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Expo%202/136/28/23), and will only be available during the expo! Black Nose coats varieties are priced at L$2,000, while Red Nose varieties are priced at L$3,000. 100% of sales are donated to the American Cancer Society!

Double Craft and Battle Experience!

To celebrate our time at the expo, a massive DOUBLE crafting AND battle experience event is now underway! All crafts conducted from now until the end of the expo (December 10th) will net double crafting points, and your pets will gain twice as much xp while battling! Stay tuned for our part II announcement tomorrow for even more fun and excitement coming your way!

What Are These Jelly Jams At The Winter Expo?!

Stay tuned to find out! Krafties is exploring some exciting possibilities, and we’d love to have you join us on our adventures. More details will be revealed tomorrow, December 2nd, along with the Jelly Jams vendor being opened to the world!

Thank you so, so much for all of your support! Have fun!