• We’re beginning a brand new development and release schedule based around themed seasons!
  • A new limited edition bonded creature, Rose Timbul, is available now for a short time! They contain a new Rose Soul and can have one of four brand new coats!
  • A Double Crafting XP bonanza is happening throughout the next WEEK!


We love these little guys, and we think you will too!

Limited Edition Rose Timbuls

Limited Edition Rose Timbul creatures are available now with four awesome new coat varieties! These stocky creatures spend most of their days camouflaged while grazing and foraging for food, and are known to have a knack for finding sustenance in even the harshest of environments. Most timbuls choose to flee from confrontation when it arises, but have shown surprising behavior when their offspring are threatened. In rare cases, timbuls have reportedly displayed incredible strength and vitality while ramming threats into submission.

Each creature will have a +5 for each natural stat, and all will be level 1. They have a special Rose Soul complete with unique spells not found on any other type, and all have matching affinity bodies. When purchased, players have a 50% chance of getting a Red Rose coat, a 40% chance for a Yellow Rose coat, a 5% chance for a White Rose coat, and a 5% chance for a Black Rose coat.

Additionally, Rose Timbuls are the only way to get special Rose items year round, both during combat as loot drops and with the soon to be introduced Foraging Feature!

The vendor is in front of the main store, and will only be available from February 14th through February 22nd. They are priced at L$2,000.

Krafties Season 1 – Foraging

Today marks the beginning of our first official season! Seasons are a new way for Krafties to continue delivering our players exciting content and features, built around central themes and ideas that will allow us to maximize fun.

For the past 5 years, most of our major releases and Limited Edition creatures have been based around Holidays like Valentines Day, Halloween, etc. Now, we’d like to expand the small pond of possible themes into a vast ocean! In addition to the exciting new types of content, seasons allow us to have regular intervals between limited edition releases and tie them into new features in the game.

Now, we know that our players have come to expect limited edition releases for holidays, and because of this we won’t be changing course too aggressively. Hopefully this release shows that we’ll be able to strike a healthy balance between the holiday themes we know you all love and our new Seasonal direction while we’re making the transition.

So, you must be wondering what’s in store for this new season themed around Foraging! We have an exciting feature in the works that will put all of your bonded creatures to use in a big way, which just may coincide with the release of leaf tailed timbuls into the wild. But that’s just the beginning! We don’t want to give away all of our juicy secrets, so stay tuned to find out more.

To kick things off with a bang, we’re holding a Double Crafting XP bonanza throughout the next WEEK!

Krafties loves you! Have fun!

A Note From The Developer

Hey all, Kris here. I’ll keep this one quick!

I wanted to take some time here to explain a bit about why we’re moving toward these new “seasons” in my own words. Like the post above says, I know that you have all come to love holiday releases, and I very much love you guys. While I do want to keep our player base happy, there are two big reasons why it’s time to move away from big releases and features built around holidays:

  • Our creative well is running dry on most of these holidays
  • Work life balance

Touching on the second bullet point: I haven’t had a proper holiday since we started doing these limited edition releases, and there have been too many times when I’ve had to urgently contact someone during a holiday to order a redelivery of something or to have something patched. I’ve been happy to do it up until this point, but I truly believe that seasons will allow for better scheduling for myself and other developers while also bringing us into a new era of untapped ideas and content.

I’ll be watching and listening to feedback closely. Have a happy Valentines Day!

 – Kris