• A new “Powerup Slot” mechanic has been introduced, which works hand-in-hand with soul crafting and the new Golden Apple items!
  • Golden Apple Tickets can now be redeemed, which give one Unbonded Appum Creature and one Golden Apple!


Powerup Slots and Soul Crafting

Souls, and by proxy bonded creatures, have a brand new attribute: Powerup Slots! Powerup Slots allow a bonded creature to absorb and internalize mythical items, such as the new Golden Apples, which give your creature enhanced abilities. Two powerup slots? Your creature can consume two Golden Apples. Three powerup slots? Well, you get the deal.

Many of our long-time players know that when crafting souls, at a certain point the levels of the resulting soul hit a limit and instead the chance of crafting a high quality soul increases. Powerup slots pick up right where that cap kicks in! Crafting with high level krafties is the only way to obtain souls with more than two available powerup slots, and the resulting number of possible slots continuously increases as crafters move their way on up to our level 60 level cap.

Which brings us to…

Appums and Golden Apples: Redeeming Golden Apple Tickets

The wait is over, Golden Apple Tickets can now be redeemed! To activate a ticket open your inventory, click the ticket, and then click the “Activate” button. It’s that easy!

After activation you’ll receive two new goodies: one Golden Apple item and one Appum creature.

Golden Apples

Golden Apples have undergone some changes from their initial design, all for the better! They’ve been massively buffed, and now each Golden Apple will impart sixteen natural skills points to the creature which consumes it (two to each skill). When consumed, these mythical items permanently fill one powerup slot.

Golden Apples can only be obtained via Golden Apple Tickets or in NPC trades.

Appum Unbonded Creatures

Thanks to feedback from our funders, Appums have arrived! When the most recent fundraising round closed we sent out a poll to all of our participants to see whether they wanted to receive a simple new species, or a detailed coat on an existing species. The new species won!

Golden Apple Tickets give the claimer one limited edition unbonded GoldLeaf Appum creature – only available from tickets. These sweet new creatures are experts in the art of camouflage and deception. Scattered reports from the Krafties Kingdom indicate that the species has a unique means of replicating. Are there secrets yet to be uncovered?

Krafties is considering adding a mechanic to allow GoldLeaf Appums to replicate into non limited edition green-leafed Appums. We’d love to hear thoughts from our community on whether or not you would like to see this implemented. Let us know in group chat!

We sincerely hope you enjoy these fun new creatures!

Thank you to everyone who supported Krafties in our most recent fundraising sprint. Have fun!