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The act of Crafting is a group activity in and refers to the act using a Crafting temple, which is an essential part of playing Krafties since it is where the game originally gets it name.

  • If you enjoy crafting alot, it can be beneficial to have a Gold Memebership which gives an energy-discount for most items you craft.

Crafting Temple[edit]

Kraftie temple.jpg
Linking is what connecting your pet to a Crafting Temple is called

Crafting temples are one of the most used and useful temples of the three given to trainers as part of their starter packs. This temple is used for players to create items using component parts found from defeating wild creatures, and to create elemental souls to use to bond with captured creatures and create new pets.

  • Crafting has several benefits for trainers:
    1. Crafting creates items and souls that can be used by trainers or sold in auction and markets for other trainers.
    2. Crafting rewards experience points to further enhance your creature's healing ability.
    3. Crafting experience can be given out to up to 10 players (including the temple's owner) who link their pets to the trainer's temple, as well as bring trainers together to develop social interactions. Some items are affected by the amount of people linked to the host's temple, meaning you should have as many people as possible while making the following items;
  • Potions.
  • Amulets.
  • Talismans
  • Souls.

The Crafting Process[edit]

Crafting Leader[edit]
  • The Crafting Leader is the Owner of the temple.
  • You want as many people possible to link to your Crafting Temple for the best results for creating quality items - and letting your friends gain experience points alongside you as well!
  • You can always "Clear Craft" to force everyone to unlink
    This is useful when you want to start over again
Things you should NOT do while Crafting[edit]
If you do any of these things, you will LOSE your crafted item/soul and any ingredients required in the recipe of it
Please keep in mind
  • You cannot link if the temple is full (10 people)
  • In order to earn experience while assisting in a crafting, stay linked through the entire process until it is finished.
  • If you detach your pet then you will not earn any experience.
  • When crafting Souls, the Crafting Level, Combat Level and Mental Level of everyone assisting in the crafting can affect the outcome of the soul
  • When crafting items with a quality value, the Crafting Level of the leader and all linked participants affects the uses and durations of potions, amulets and talismans - the higher the average crafting level, the better chance of receiving better items!
  • If you switch to a lower level pet than the one originally linked to a craft, the entire outcome of the craft will be affected.

Crafting App[edit]

The Crafting App
Item crafting popup, here going to craft 3 glass
  • The Crafting App is opened by touching the Crafting Temple to open it's dialog window, there you find "open app"
  • You drag the required ingredients onto the black area before crafting, then you can see what recipes you can craft with the selected ingredients
  • Coupons allow you to craft without spending Energy, simply add the coupon along with the other ingredients to use it
  • You can easily access the Crafting Recipes via the wiki to see what ingredients are needed

Crafting Skill[edit]

  • You earn experience every time you craft something or assist in a crafting (linking to a temple)
    • The experience earned depends on the items crafted and the amount made.
    • Some Crafting Recipes have level restrictions that require up to level 25 to start and complete.
  • Healing Spells are affected by the Crafting Skill, which decides when the spells are learned and how much they heal.

Earning Crafting Experience[edit]

  • Whenever you are linked to a Crafting temple as someone is crafting, you will be rewarded some experience depending on the complexity of the item that was crafted.
  • Whenever you use a Healing spell, you will gain as much experience as the number of hitpoints being healed.

Gold Membership Bonus[edit]

Your will get a Energy discount when crafting, spending less energy than normally on the recipes - this amount is typically a 25% discount!
You can see if you have Active Membership (and how much remaining) by viewing the "Player Profile" within the Home App or through the Pet Menu
View Membership for more information

Failed Crafting[edit]

  • Please note that sometimes technology does fail us, and experience is not earned for a craft.
  • There is a maximum "accepted" time limit of "20 minutes" on crafts. If you choose to craft and the timing of the craft exceeds 20 minutes, ANY errors that occur during the craft will not be supported by the Krafties team. (this includes crashes or any SL related issues)
There is a maximum "accepted" time limit of "20 minutes" on crafts. If you choose to craft and the timing of the craft exceeds 20 minutes, ANY errors that occur during the craft will not be supported by the Krafties team. (this includes crashes or any SL related issues)
If you are the LEADER of a craft, and the time of the craft is under "20 minutes" - if the craft fails due to server issues or crashes we will return the energy and ingredients to your HUD so you can re-craft. Unfortunately we are not able to award crafting XP due to the inability to obtain the necessary data from our servers.If the craft was during an event, we have no way of tracking the event/time and will not be able to award the proper XP that corresponded to the event. We do make every effort possible to rectify a failed craft and we apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. You will need to file a ticket and MUST include the following information:
  • Before and after creature stats from local (entire string).
  • Local chat from when the craft initiated and when it officially completed.
If you ASSIST a craft, and the time of the craft is under "20 minutes" - if the craft fails due to server issues, crashes etc., please note that we cannot guarantee that the lost XP can be credited to your Kraftie. This is because there is no information saved in our servers for assists. If the craft was during an event, we have no way of tracking the event/time and will not be able to award the proper xp that corresponded to the event. We will make We will make every effort to add the base XP but it is not guaranteed. You will need to file a ticket and MUST include the following information:
  • Before AND after creature stats from local (entire string).
  • Local chat from where the craft initiated (ask the leader for the chat) and when it officially completed.
  • If you are unable to provide all 3 pieces of information, we will not be able to look into adding the XP to your Kraftie. We apologize for any inconvenience caused as a result of XP not adding.

Crafting with Krafties[edit]

A crafting session being held, you can see:
particle chains that indicate when somebody is "linked" (which are color coded to the elements)

Crafting in Krafties is one of the main social activities to do in the game. You craft souls for your pets, mining tools, food to boost your pet's health in battle, amulets to boost your pet's stats, potions, and much more!

To craft items you need a few things.

  • Ingredients. These can drop as loot from Wild creatures that you battle.
  • Crafting levels. While there is recipes that don't require levels, other complex recipies like souls and tools require level 3 to 5 or higher to create.

Starting at level 1 crafting you can make several food items such as bread, cookies, cherry pies and chocolate cake - these are excellent healing items and will be useful for your pet in battles until you get a heal spell. Please see the notecard Krafties Crafting Recipes for appropriate recipes. Be sure to use Coupons whenever possible to save on energy!

How to Craft[edit]

  1. Wear your Necessity Pack
  2. Rez your Crafting Temple v4.0
  3. Open the Crafting App and select ingredients:
    1. Touch the Crafting Temple
    2. Click "Open App" in the Dialog Window
      • If it says "Preparing your App", then wait a few seconds and then click the app window again
    3. Drag the necessary items on to the black square to complete the recipe for the craft. (If you are crafting souls, make sure you drag the appropriate stone)
    4. Click either "Craft Item" or "Craft Soul", depending on what you are crafting
    5. The available item(s) you can craft will appear in a new window
    6. Click the desired item to craft
    7. Enter the total amount of that item you want to craft in the space provided (ex 1/12)
    8. Double click "Craft!"
  4. A new white window will open- stating the craft has begun.
    • At this point you can close the window. and see your craft complete inworld.
    • The item crafted will auto add to your HUD, and you will see the item appear above the temple, and receive a confirmation in chat.
      [15:31] Zappa - Krafties Creature: Recieved 2 crafting experience.

Crafting Sessions[edit]

Crafting is a group activity, adventurers gather whenever someone rezzes a Crafting Temple so they can assist in the Crafting Session. Many generous players do their crafting in a "public" crafting area, such as the Crafting Hangout on Krafties Island just to share the experience with whoever is present, so it has become a custom to thank the Crafting Leader for sharing.

  • Public Crafting Sessions allow anyone to assist by linking. There are no level restrictions on who can link to the Crafting Temple then
  • Private Crafting Sessions are held on private sims and usually have level restrictions whenever asking for assistance for a crafting

See Also[edit]