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Crafting temples are one of the most used and useful temples of the three given to trainers as part of their starter packs. This temple is used for players to create items using component parts found from defeating wild creatures, and to create elemental souls to use to bond with captured creatures and create new pets.
#REDIRECT [[Crafting]]
Crafting has several benefits for trainers:
# Crafting creates items and souls that can be used by trainers or sold in auction and markets for other trainers.
# Crafting builds experience to further enhance your creature's abilities.
# Crafting experience can be given out to up to 10 players (including the temple's owner) who link their pets to the trainer's temple, as well as developing social interaction with other trainers. The number of trainers linked in also have a chance of producing higher quality items and souls.
Using the crafting temple requires the following items
# Energy
# Component parts (necklace, shards, nuts, water, etc.)
# A Krafties creature with an overall level of 3 or more.
'''Creating items and souls'''
Items require you to have the appropriate components and at least 150-200 energy. These parts are to be stored in the Krafties hud before you start crafting For souls, you need at least 250 energy and that needs to be stored with your pet when crafting.
# Rez your temple in a sim that allows objects to be placed, preferably a low script lag area and also where other trainers can link in as well.
# Before you begin crafting, make sure you have any components or energy in their appropriate vessels. For items, the components and energy is stored in your hud, and for souls, energy is stored in your creature. Your creature should be at least overall level 3 to have the storage capacity.
# Allow time for other trainers to come and link in. They must be within 10 meters of the temple for effective use. Make sure that a maximum of ten(10) trainers are linked in, including the person crafting. More than 10 is a bug and could result in a malfunction and loss of energy and/or materials.
# When you have all this together, click “Start Craft” and choose either “Soul” or “Item” from the dialog menu.
# If you choose Items, you'll receive a list showing what items you can construct. Choose the item you wish to make and follow the remaining prompts to begin building. If you are constructing a soul, you will be instructed to create a soul with a random elemental base. If you want to construct this soul, click the appropriate button, otherwise, cancel and try again.
# Construction will require at least 120 seconds for processing. All trainers linked in should not detach their pet, log out or teleport away during that time or they wont earn experience and could risk damaging their creature.
# When construction is complete, be sure to take the item that appears over the temple and reclaim your temple.

Latest revision as of 08:59, 7 May 2017

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