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'''Join Krafties by any of the various methods mentioned'''
#REDIRECT [[Getting Started]]
'''Rez your "Necessity Pack" in an area where you have rez rights'''
'''Once the Necessity pack is opened and adds to your SL inventory, right click the folder and "Add to your current outfit". The HUD will automatically display on your screen and you will be guided through the Start-UP application. This is where your Krafties Adventure officially begins!!!'''
*In this application you will see your first Kraftie bond with its elemental soul. After its bonded, you will also be able to name it. Once you complete the start up process, you officially become a '''Krafties Handler!'''
The following information will give you the basics regarding how to use your Krafties HUD- the most important item in the game of Krafties
~To wear your HUD- unpack your "Krafties - Necessity Pack v4.0
~Right click the folder and "add to your current outfit"
This will attach your Creature Attachment, Tool:Right Hand, and Krafties HUD v4.0
~The "Creature Attachment" is the object that will morph into your active Krafties creature
~The "Tool:Right Hand" is that object that will morph into either your Standard Net or Pick Axe
~The HUD will attach to the top left corner of your monitor. You can add the hud to any location on your monitor. Just detach and click "Attach to hud" , then choose desired location to attach HUD
This will take a little practice. The HUD is interactive and the more practice you have at opening the various apps and features, the better you will get. It will become second nature.
Lets get started!
Click  the "HOME" icon- a white window will pop up
The lay out of your app windows is as follows:
Bar across the top of the window (color depends on the app you have open)- You can click on this bar and drag the HUD to any location on your screen
Grey icon (top right) - Minimizes the window
Red icon (top right) - Closes the window
Grey icon (bottom right) - Clicking and dragging this icon will resize your window. Your entire screen will appear faded. This happens during the resizing process. It will disappear when you let go of the icon.
Now you will open the actual app window. Follow the instructions to open and activate the window.
The window will appear shaded. Double click the window and it will come into focus (activate). If you are having trouble activating the window- click the sky or the ground, then click the window again.
After you bring the window in "focus", you can navigate as desired.
The individual Icons under the KRAFTIES logo act as the icons do for your cell phone apps. You can click them and drag them to any desired location on your monitor.
INVENTORY App (brown briefcase icon)
This app contains your Bonded Creature, Unbonded Creature, Soul and Player Profile menus. When you click each icon, the menu will expand and you will see your bondeds, unbondeds, souls and player stats.
INVENTORY App (brown briefcase icon)
This app contains your Energy amounts and ALL  of your Krafties loot and items.
Your energy is listed at the top of the menu  Energy: Total (trans + no trans)
Click the arrows to scroll up and down through your inventory.
Running your cursor over an individual icon will highlight it "yellow".
Clicking on each item will give you a pop up giving the information for that item. Some of the pop-ups will have an icon where you can "activate" that particular item, or "show info".
Your Krafties loot is found in this application
Your Standard Net and Pick Axes are activated through this application.
Locate either your net or axe, click on the tile for that item, then click "activate". You will see your item appear inworld, attached to your right hand. To deactivate or remove the item from your hand, simply re click the icon in your application, and click "deactivate"
If you "detach" the net or your axe from your avatar inworld, you will need to re-wear the Tool:Right Hand, as detaching your item detaches that tool.
Amulets and Potions are activated through this application.
Locate the Amulet you want to wear, click the tile for that amulet. You will then get a white pop up, with an icon to "activate". Click that icon and you will see [05:04] Krafties HUD v4.0: Powering up amulet... appear in local chat. Your amulet is now worn and being used.
If you click "show info", you will see the stats for that amulet in another white pop up.
Potions work the same way. Locate the potion you want to use, click the tile for that potion. You will then get a white pop up with an icon to "consume" or "show info". Click "show info" and you will see the stats for that potion in another white pop up Click "consume" and you will activate the potion and see[05:14] Krafties HUD v4.0: ACTIVATING ATTACK POTION appear in local chat. Click "consume" each time you want to activate a new use. With each click of "consume", you will see your uses go down. Once you have used up that potion, it will remove from your inventory.
Alchemy and Enchanting tablets are also located in your inventory. You initiate Alchemy and Enchanting by clicking on the tablet in your menu.
)CREATURE App (grey face icon)
This application resembles the former "web view" page that was accessible in your 2.2 HUD.
The main window shows your creatures statistics.
Along the sides, you wil see "STATS", "SPELLS" AND "UNLOCKING".
Double click  any of those tabs and a sub-menu will expand.
Have fun navigating the plethora of information available in this app :)
Yes you can set your creaturs spells directly from this app :)
WIKI App ( green icon with the W)
An interactive version of the Krafties Wiki
Window may need to be resized for easy viewing

Latest revision as of 09:01, 2 January 2015

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