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#REDIRECT [[FAQ#Questions_about_v4_update_and_HUD]]
These Q and A's are to give you some basic answers to questions that have been asked regarding the transition to the new HUD system. More detailed information is in the most recent blog along with pictures of the actual apps in the HUD. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact a CSR and they will be happy to help you. We will continue to udpate this page as additional information becomes available.
For more information about the new HUD, and to see pictures, '''please visit the [http://krafties.com/blog/?p=524 Krafties blog post]'''
===Latest News===
=Questions and Answers=
;Where can I get the new HUD?
:'''The new HUD has NOT been released yet.''' It is in the final stages of development and refinement. The entire Krafties community will be notified of the release date and how it will be distributed.
;Will I be able to still use my old HUD?
:'''No.''' Everyone will need to transition to the new HUD
;What happens to all of the inventory in my current HUD?
:It will be auto- transferred to the new HUD. We will take care of that for you. No need to rez items and transfer. You can load up your current HUD to hold up to 25 different items, and up to 999 of each-making it a little easier for you to transfer your loot to the new HUD.
;What if i don't want all of my HUD inventory to go into the new HUD?
:It will all automatically transfer. There is no ability to pick and choose what goes in. If you dont want specific items to transfer over, you can rez it out now.
== LOOT Q & A ==
;What do I do with all of the Krafties loot I have stored in my inventory or in boxes?
:That loot will need to be rezzed and converted so it can be moved into the new HUD. You will have an updating pad where you will rez your Krafties loot (as much as the pad will hold at one time) and it will be automatically sent into your new HUD. You can also start loading your HUD now with the loot you currently have, and when the time comes Krafties will automatically transfer it over to to the NEW HUD for you.
;If I choose to load my current HUD now, how much can it hold?
:Your current [[Krafties HUD|2.2 HUD]] can hold up to 25 different items, and up to 999 of each. Please refer to http://krafties.com/wiki/index.php?title=HUD to see a complete list of what CAN go into your HUD. Please remember items that you add now "may" be slow to rez back out.
;What if I don't wear my new HUD when I am battling wilds. Will I receive loot?
:'''No.''' You need to wear your hud to receive loot while battling wilds.
;Once the new HUD is released- how will I add new loot I receive?
:New loot is '''automatically''' added to your new hud. There is no need to rez and  click loot to add to your HUD.
;What if I dont want ALL of the loot to go into the HUD? I have soo many eggs I could eat omelets for the next 20 years!
:'''All loot gets automatically added.''' If at any point you have an abundance of loot that you don't want- or loot that you don't want to collect at all, you will be able to rez a "Vendor" and remove that item from your HUD completely.
;How will I consume/use the loot in my  new HUD, including scrolls?
:[[Loot]] and [[scrolls]] will be consumed directly from the HUD. No need to rez and click anymore.
;Can I still sell my loot?
:'''Yes''' you will still be able to sell your loot and Krafties items. A new vendor system will replace the boxing systems and rezzable loot that you currenly have in place for sales. There will be no loot rezzed inworld anymore. Trades, sales and gifting will be done via vendors
;Will the vendors cost anything?
:'''No.''' they are free to all Krafties members
;Are the vendors "copy"?
:'''Not at this time.''' They are no copy and once they are unpacked they can not be used again.
;Do they rez from the HUD?
:'''No.''' They are a physical object that you will rez from your SL inventory.
;Can I customize the vendors with my own textures?
:The vendors are able to be customized. You can change the color of the vendors "frame" as well as the interior texture. We have also added the ability to add your own custom texture to 2 sides of the vendor.
;How will I sell my items in the marketplace?
:You will send your items in vendors that will be unpacked.
;Will we still be able to use the "gatcha" machines?
:'''Yes.''' You simply load the machine with the vendors as an item. The person receives the vendor and unpacks it.
;I have a Krafties market-can my sellers still rez items to sell?
:They will rez vendors now instead of actual items. Many of the items that are currently in the markets are sold from boxes with hovertext that people can pay for and take, or from actual vendors. The "look" of markets may change slightly, but the new vendor system will not in any way close down the awesome markets that we have all been visiting.
;What information will the vendors show?
:They have appropriate text above them in floating text, showing all relevant information about the creature/soul/item
;Can I sell multiple items of the same kind in one vendor?
: '''Yes.''' All items of a type can be loaded and set to sale on a per piece basis. If there are 100 eggs in a vendor for 1L each, and you pay it 5L, you get 5 eggs and the count is reduced from 100 to 95. You can also load vendors with individual items.
;Can I unpack a vendor that has items in it and rez the items inworld?
:No. Any item that can be placed in a vendor gets sent to the vendor from  your HUD, and when unpacked it goes directly back into your HUD, or the HUD of the person buying your items.
<gallery heights=300px widths=300px>
File:VENDOR ITEM READY TO FILL 2.png| Ready to fill
File:VENDOR ITEM MENU TEXT 2.png| Menu text
File:VENDOR ITEM FINALIZED 2.png| Finalized
<gallery heights=300px widths=300px>
File:VENDOR UNBONDED READY TO FILL 2.png| Ready to fill
<gallery heights=300px widths=300px>
File:VENDOR BONDED READY TO FILL 2.png|Ready to fill
File:VENDOR BONDED MENU TEXT 2.png|Menu text
;Aside of loot, what else will my HUD hold?
:Your HUD will also hold  the following items - [[Standard Capture Net|nets]], [[Pickaxes|axes]], [[unbondeds]], [[Krafties Pets|bondeds]], [[souls]], [[amulets]], [[potions]], [[alchemy and enchanting tablets]], and[[scrolls]].  It will also hold your transfer and no transfer Energy
;How will I sell my unbondeds and bonded pets?
:You will load them into a vendor- which is similar to the boxing system you use now to sell your unbondeds, bondeds and souls. The person buying them will rez the vendor, unpack it and the items will go directly into their HUD.
;Can I still rez my Kraftie inworld so it can run around?
:'''Yes.''' all [[Krafties Creatures|creatures]] will be [[rez]]able from  your HUD to wander around. They may not be marked for sale and sold though as rezzed creatures.
;If my pets are in my HUD- How do I wear them?
:You will receive a creature attachment tool which is worn on your avatar. You activate a pet from your HUD, and it will activate inworld. You can toggle worn pets from your HUD. Simply select the pet you want to wear, click the button to activate- and it appears. Pets will appear as being worn just the same as they have in the past.
;How do I see what unbondeds, bondeds and souls I have if I cant store them in boxes and/or rez them?
:Your HUD displays each and every unbonded, bonded and soul you own. All stats for each will be displayed clearly in a list- and from there you can select an individual item and view all of its stats
;How do I bond souls now?
:there is a bonding option in the HUD. You can select the soul- the unbonded and simply click and drag to bond
;When I craft a soul- do I need to rez it on an update pad to get it into my HUD?
:'''No.''' Souls that are crafted are auto added into your hud.
;Will we be able to see the stats of the soul thats crafted- considering the souls are sent directly into the HUD when crafted?
:'''Yes.''' The stats of the crafted soul will show above the crafting temple for everyone to see.
== MISC Q&A ==
;So will all items I craft be automatically added to the new HUD?
:'''Yes.''' All items you craft, all wilds you catch, all loot that you receive will be auto added. There is no more "accept" decline" option.
;Will third party storage/boxing systems work with the new HUD?
:'''No.'''  Krafties vendors will be the means to sell, transfer and store items that are in your HUD. Third party systems will not be able to interact with the HUD.
;What about enchanting and alchemy tablets, will I still be able to rez them from my inventory?
:'''No.''' They are objects that will rez from your HUD. You will see the actual enchanting and alchemy tablets inworld an complete the activities from the HUD.
;How do I wear my amulets and consume my potions?
:That will be done directly from the HUD. You will "activate" amulets and potions from your inventory app.
:'''YES!''' Say goodbye to the scroll policy that is still in effect! All scrolls that you loot will be added directly to your HUD. You can use them in any amount you wish, at any time, and on any pet.
;Can we buy and sell scrolls again with the new HUD?
:'''YES!''' You will be able to sell the scrolls you loot. Rez a vendor, transfer the scrolls into it, and mark it for sale (you can sell single scrolls from a vendor or mark the entire vendor for sale). The buyer will purchase from you, unpack, and the scrolls will go directly into their HUD.
;Can I use my vendors as storage boxes, so I can organize my inventory outside of my HUD?
:'''Yes.''' You can place your items into a vendor, not set it for sale, and use them to organize your items. You can do this with all loot, bondeds, unbondeds, souls etc. 
;Will attachments still work?
:'''Yes.''' there has been no change to how attachments are used.
:[[Creature Attachment Designer|Designers]] will still be able to sell their attachments the same as they always have.
;Will I have to wear my HUD to receive my daily energy from the spinner, chest,  Gold Membership, and invites?
:'''No.''' The [[energy]] will automatically add to your energy account.

Latest revision as of 04:13, 12 January 2015