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This is the {{Ambox}} ([A]rticle [m]essage [box]) metatemplate.

These notices should be used to communicate to the community and admins what should be done to imrpove the wiki (because normal users cannot for example delete pages or protect them )


  • type=
  • text=


Ambox warning pn.png Speedy - used for hasty deletion of nonsence/spam pages or content that should be fixed ASAP
Ambox warning pn.png Serious/Delete - when there is a serious issue with the article and/or being considered for deletion
Ambox important.png Content
40px-Edit-clear.png Style - this article needs some cleaning up to do
Merge-split-transwiki default.png Merge/Move/Split - when suggesting that a article should be merged with another, split or moved
Information icon4.png Notice (default)
40px-Padlock-silver-medium.png Protection - when article should be protected.

Remember that you can always create discussion (talk page) to discuss plans for the article.