Help:Table Forms

From Krafties
Revision as of 05:28, 8 November 2014 by MyraMidnight (talk | contribs)
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Recipe Forms

Just fill in the information in the right order and everything should turn out right

  • Check the template page itself for further information
Template Code Description
Crafting Recipes {{RecipeCrafting}} For Crafting Recipes (view template for info)
Enchanting Recipes {{RecipeEnchanting}} For Enchanting Recipes (view template for info)
Soul Recipe {{RecipeSoul}} For Soul Requirements (view template for info)

Spell Forms

Some of these require using templates with other templates to complete the tables

  • Detailed information about template usage is on the templates themselves
Template Code Description
Learning Spells Table
Each of the tables is different color theme, else they are all identical