Cooldown refers to the time you need to wait until the item or spell can be used again.
Spell Cooldown
- Each spell has its own cooldown timer
- Healing and Mental spells have a 1 minute long cooldown
- Alchemy spells have a tiny cooldown, wont notice unless you are converting items too fast
Crafting Cooldown (Crafting Temple)
- Having a Gold Membership disables Crafting Cooldowns.
Crafting is delayed by cooldown. The cooldown period is when a Crafting Temple has recently crafted and needs a duration of time to cool down before crafting again.
- Soul Cooldown
- When crafting souls, the crafting temple will go on a 24 hours.
- Item Cooldown
- For item cooldown, it is calculated 1 minute per point of Energy it cost to craft
- (example: item cost 50E to craft, cooldown is then 50 minutes).
- Duration depends on what was crafted (items or souls)
- Cooldown only affects the temple, not the player
- Each temple has it's own cooldown timer
- Cooldown is measured in hours and minutes
- You cannot craft on a temple, whilst it is cooling down.
Enchanting Cooldown (Enchanting Tablet)
- Having Gold Membership disables Enchanting Cooldowns
Enchanting tablet has a 1 hour long cooldown after each enchanting.
Mining Cooldown (Rock Mine)
When you have reached the core of the Rock Mine, it will turn RED in color, and begin it's 1 minute cooldown period, which is usually enough time to finish mining another mine in the meanwhile.
See Also