
From Krafties
Revision as of 04:56, 7 April 2015 by MyraMidnight (talk | contribs)
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If you want to send me a message within the Wiki, go to my Talk Page
Im totally rocking that

Hey there, Im in charge of how the wiki looks. Im a bit of a perfectionist so I do a LOT of minor edits, which is why I have restricted the Main Page "recent changes" list to hide minor edits, so I and others can better see new changes without being drowned in my constant editing.

Multilingual wiki, ideas

There is this awesome Mediawiki extention that allows users to translate our wiki. We should totally get it. You can even see it in action on the actual mediawiki since they have it installed. We would really benefit from this. Could even create a new group of users "translators" that couldn't create pages, just translate existing content and such.

  • Extension:Translate (compatible version 1.23+)
    • This lets us easily translate our wiki so it can be even more useful, but then our wiki core needs updating
  • Extension:CLDR/Language Names (compatible version 1.12+)
    • This extention has localized names of languages for multiple languages, very useful if we get the above extension.
Manual:Extensions (manual on extensions)
Manual:Upgrading (manual on upgrading the wiki)

Our wiki is currently version 1.35.5, but the latest legacy version is 1.23

Other useful extensions

Just something I have spotted that would be nice

  • Extension:RSS, Just an idea that would maybe allow a RSS feed of the news/blog to be displayed on the Main Page of the wiki

Bundled extentions

That means they are actually included with any version above 1.18 (but sometimes need to be enabled manually), no need to download them

  1. Extension:ParserFunctions, Its a extension that allows for more complex template making without the need to create multiple ones to function as one whole. Even if I would just use the "#if" functions and simple things, it changes alot.
  2. Extension:WikiEditor a more advanced editor for the wiki
  3. Extension:Renameuser, a tool to rename users




Earth , 'rgb(127,63,0)', 'rgb()',
'Wind', 'rgb(127, 127, 127)', 'rgb()',
'Ice', 'rgb(191,191,255)', 'rgb()',
'Vampire', 'rgb(127,127,127)', 'rgb()',
'Dark', 'rgb(100,100,100)', 'rgb()',
'Light', 'rgb(255,255,255)', 'rgb()'
'Steam', 'rgb(191, 191, 191)', 'rgb()',
'Sand', 'rgb(127, 127, 0)', 'rgb()',
'Plant', 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'rgb()',
'Volcanic', 'rgb(127, 0, 0)', 'rgb()',
'Lightning', 'rgb(127,127,255)', 'rgb()',
'Affection', 'rgb(255, 78, 165)', 'rgb()',
'Mind', 'rgb(127,0,127)', 'rgb()',