Capturing Wilds

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Once you are ready to catch a wild creature, start by wearing your net and creature then begin attacking the wild creature you wish to catch.

  • You can begin to swing your net by left clicking anywhere, but not clicking the wild.
  • Once the wild creature health is low enough, swing your net.
  • Depending on how tough a creature is to catch you will be given success or failed attempt messages.

The Capture Net

Krafties Standard Net.jpg
The Capture net has unlimited uses
How to equip the Capture Net
  1. Open your HUD Inventory
  2. Locate your Net (easy with the "tools" filter)
  3. Select the net
  4. Click "Use Tool"
    • To remove the tool, simply click the net in Inventory again and choose "Deactivate"
View Tools for more information

Tactics when Capturing

You can catch Wild Creatures that spawn from any Home Temple
Tactics to Capture Wild Creatures
  1. Have your Capture Net equipped
  2. Battle with the Wild Creature to lower it's Health
    1. Touch the Wild Creature you wish to capture
    2. Click "Attack"
      • To stop the battle anytime, you can touch the Wild creature and click "Stop Attack" (useful when you're afraid you'll defeat it instead of capture)
  3. When it has taken enough damage (has low health), try capturing it
    1. Stand close to the Wild Creature
    2. Swing your net (by clicking the ground or sky) to try capturing it
  4. You will see message in local chat, telling you if it was captured or resisted capture

See Also