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Dragoonix wild.png
Rarity Very Rare
Obtained Capture Wild ~10% HP
Natural Skills
Hitpoints N/A
Crafting N/A
Intelligence N/A
Focus N/A
Fortitude N/A

The Dragoonix... An ancient race amongst the Krafties Kingdom, There are three types: Val, Nal and Dal, each with their
own special ability.

  • The Lesser Dragoonix are mere fragments of the Greater Dragoonix that spawn from home temples, once captured they turn back into spirit fragments
    • There are three types of lesser dragoonix: ValDragoonix, NalDragoonix and DalDragoonix
  • The Greater Dragoonix need to be lured in with a Dragon Charm of Attraction, they do not normally spawn without it.

How to summon and capture a Dragoonix[edit]

You will need to make certain preparations to capture a Dragoonix as a pet because the lesser dragoonix that normally spawn from the Home temples simply turn into Dragon Spirit Fragments when captured.

Lesser Dragoonix

Dragon Charm Of Attraction[edit]

Dragon Charm of Attraction.png CollapseDragon Charm Of Attraction
crafting recipe using a Crafting Temple
Skill Requirement Ingredients
Crafting level 5
Energy Cost
50E (Gold: 37E)
Additional Information

This Charm will attract all Greater Dragoonix to the Home Temples for 20 minutes.

Crafting Experience: unspecified Timer: 10 sec.

Dragon Binding Sword[edit]

Dragon Binding Sword.png CollapseDragon Binding Sword
crafting recipe using a Crafting Temple
Skill Requirement Ingredients
Crafting level 10
Energy Cost
100E (Gold: 75E)
Additional Information
  • This Sword will allow you to capture/tame all Greater Dragoonix brought out by the Dragon Charm Of Attraction
    Duration of this item varies upon crafting
Crafting Experience: unspecified Timer: 15 sec.


This creature varies in appearance depending on the Element of soul bonded.

Base Elements[edit]

Hybrid Elements[edit]

Special Elements[edit]