New creatures, new aspects of game play, new concepts… It’s all a part of the ever expanding world of Krafties!! We want YOU to be a part of the decision making, helping us shape the future of the game.
We have created a new app you will find in the updated 4.015 HUD, which is in the 4.015 Necessity Pack located on the main sim.
You will see a new icon in the HUD – a gold Star. Clicking this icon opens the Krafties voting app. This app allows players to vote on ideas and feature additions that may be implemented in the future. This time around, you are voting on a new creature to be released. Click the gold stars below each “concept” creature and cast your vote. One star being least liked and five stars being a favorite. One vote per concept, but you may change your vote at any time.
We want you to continue to give us your awesome suggestions for new creatures to add to the app so we have created a drop box that is located beside the energy chest in the main store. If you have a spectacular idea for a new Kraftie drop a NC in the box, giving us the name of the creature and a brief description of what you think it should look like. The species name is very important! If the submission does not have a species name, it will not be added to the voting app.
We look forward to seeing all of your incredible and fun ideas!
Voting App[edit]
- The Voting App allows you to help us to see what kind of creatures you'd like to see in the game
- You can vote once per suggestion listed on the App
- You can change your vote at any time
Suggestion Box[edit]
- The Suggestion Box allows you to send us suggestions about possible creatures for Krafties. It is located within the store building by the Energy Chest and fountain.
- Hold down the CTRL button as you drag the notecard into the suggestion box, the outline will change color (usually red) which indicates that the item/notecard will be put into it's contents.
- Accepted ideas will appear on the Voting app for everyone to see