The Miracle Talums were a Christmas limited edition which came in 3 colour variants; bronze, silver and gold. As with other limited editions they come with a +5 for each natural stat, 2 powerup slots and start at level 1.
In addition to their unique spell set the Miracle talums have special traits. They come with 3 default traits sustenance, resurrection and surging salves. While resurrection is also found on zombie souls, the other 2 are unique to the miracle talum. On mutation, in addition to the normal trait pool they have the ability to get miraculous traits, one of which exists for each statistic, and adds +1 to the relevant statistic. All of these special traits may be transferred to other soul types via the normal trait transfer procedure.
Spells unlocked by Miracle Pets[edit]
See Also[edit]
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Krafties Elements |
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