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Multilingual wiki, ideas

I believe the simpest way to create a multilingual krafties wiki is to enable subpages on the main namespace (which is disabled by default, only works for user or talk pages). It does not require any extentions to be added, simply adjustments to the wiki settings (which admin has to do through FTP access I believe).

  • Either needs to specify what namespaces are allowed to have subpages, or simply enable it for all namespaces.
# Enable subpages in all namespaces
$wgNamespacesWithSubpages = array_fill(
 	0, 200, true

Other useful extensions

Just something I have spotted that would be nice

  • Extension:RSS, Just an idea that would maybe allow a RSS feed of the news/blog to be displayed on the Main Page of the wiki

Bundled extentions

That means they are actually included with any version above 1.18 (but sometimes need to be enabled manually), no need to download them

  1. Extension:ParserFunctions, Its a extension that allows for more complex template making without the need to create multiple ones to function as one whole. Even if I would just use the "#if" functions and simple things, it changes alot.
  2. Extension:WikiEditor a more advanced editor for the wiki
  3. Extension:Renameuser, a tool to rename users