- The pet will return to normal once you've entered the Captcha Code into local chat
Krafties has added a Captcha Code to protect players from "training bots", those things used to unfairly advance a Krafties Pet, thus cheating the hard working and honest Adventurer from the pride of well earned Skills.
- The Captchas appear approximately once every hour whilst battling wilds or shadows.
- Even popping Balloons or lighting the Elemental Torches counts as battling since its an attack.
- Captchas are not case sensitive, and will change if the wrong code is entered too many times.
- Simply detaching and reattaching the Kraftie will NOT disable the code.
- Tips
- If the cam is not centered on the Captcha when it appears, take a single step and the camera will zoom into it. This will make typing it much easier.
- Also if you press "Esc" on your keyboard, it will reset your camera angel, which is usually in perfect position to see the Captcha
- If you enter Captcha during a Crafting, you will be unlinked. Best way to avoid this from happening is to simply not doing battles while crafting.
- Even if you don't enter the Captcha until after craft, you've been cut out of the craft as soon as it popped up.