Pet menu

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When you touch your Krafties pet, this menu opens up

The Pet Menu is the Dialog Window that appears when you touch your Krafties pet. That menu contains alot of options and information.

The Pet Menu[edit]

How the PetMenu v4.0 layout is like
Cast Spell
Cast spells on Self
Rez Shadow Elevation Strip
Rezzes a Shadow Adjust pet's height position Removes Accessory Attachments
Player Settings Orb Mode
  • Spell Alerts
  • Show Hover-Text
  • Wander
  • Animations
  • Sounds Volume

Reduced lag mode
Pet becomes a Orb

Stats Battles Invite
Pet Stats
into local chat
  • Assists On
  • Spell/Heals On
  • Battle Style
  • Battle Spell
Invite friends to
Join Krafties

Cast Spell (menu)[edit]

  • This menu will display all the spells you can cast on yourself, which you have learned.
  • If a spell is missing on this list, it means you have yet to learn it. View your pet's element page for more details.
See Spells for more information

Rez Shadow[edit]

  • This option will rez a Shadow Creature near you, which is mirror of your own pet when it comes to stats.
  • Fighting your shadow is a good way to train your pet, because it does not drop loot unlike the wilds.
  • You need to have permission to rez in the area, else your pet cannot summon the shadow. Here are some troubleshoots:
    1. When on Krafties Island, you need to wear Krafties Group tag, and be in the Crafting area or other Rez areas.
    2. If you had to change your tag, then you should also reattach your pet. Just like other objects, it will assigned to the group in which you were when it was rezzed (this also means when you wear it).
See Shadow Creature for more information


Elevation was a feature which is created to position your Kraftie.
Depending on your Avatar height creatures may seem to position too high, or too low.
Using elevation you can adjust the height so they they will walk on the ground perfectly to the height of your avatar.
  • You will need to press this button before you begin adjusting your pet's height

"Creature movement has been paused temporarily. Please right click, select edit, and manually set the z position of the creature so it's feet appear to be touching the ground. After 30 seconds the new position will be saved."

"New elevation has been saved!"


  • This button will remove all current Attachments that your pet is wearing.

Player (menu)[edit]

These are the options you get within the Player menu.

Check Membership[edit]

  • This option will tell you in local chat the current status of your Krafties Membership, it tells you how many days are left.
  • Membership is NOT REQUIRED in order to play Krafties.


  • Here you can see your Statistics as a player, your own information such as how long you've been with us.

Settings (menu)[edit]

Spell Alerts On/Off[edit]

  • The Spell Alerts will tell you about all stat changes. Useful for tracking how much damage your pet does, among other things.
  • Don't like the details spamming your chat in battle? then turn Spell Alerts Off

Show/Hide Text[edit]

  • This will either display or hide the hover-text over your pet.
  • If you don't want the hover-text above your pet to show, then use the Hide text option

Wander On/Off[edit]

  • If you turn Wandering off, then your pet will stop roaming around you
  • If you want to freely position your pet in specific spots, then you want to turn wander off

Animations On/Off[edit]

  • This controls your pet's animations
  • If you don't want your pet to walk/run/fly/sit or any other animations, then turn animations off


  • Here you can adjust your pet's volume with these settings: Mute, Low, Medium or High
  • If you think your pet is too loud or can't hear it, this is the setting you're looking for.

Orb Mode[edit]

  • Orb Mode is useful for reducing lag, it will turn your pet into a orb above your head. This is also fun when you want to pretend to be the Kraftie yourself.
See Orb Mode for more information


  • This will allow you to see all your pet's detail information. It will be sent to your local chat in two large messages
See Pet Stats for more information

Battles (menu)[edit]

Assist On/Off[edit]

  • This decides your default settings about assists, if others are allowed to fight the same wild as you are.
You can always manually allow/disallow assist by touching the wild you are fighting.

Spells On/Off[edit]

  • This decides if other players can Heal your pet or not

Battle Style[edit]

  • Here you can decide the battle style of your pet, which effects where the experience goes.
All Round - Trains all combat levels
Accurate - Trains attack
Aggressive - Trains strength
Defensive - Trains Defense

Set Spell[edit]

  • Here you assign your Active Battle Spell which your pet uses when fighting.
See Spells for more information


  • This will let you invite nearby people to join the Krafties adventure, if they have not already.
They can also invite themselves by touching your pet.
See Join Krafties for more information

See Also[edit]