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Lunaris wild.png
Rarity Uncommon
Obtained Capture Wild ~20% HP
Natural Skills
Attack high
Strength high
Defense N/A
Hitpoints N/A
Crafting 5
Intelligence N/A
Focus N/A
Fortitude N/A
For many years these creatures were said to only exist in legend, always distantly silhouetted against the backdrop of a full moon. As the story goes, one day a lone handler was venturing through a deep cavern and came across a small Lunaris with an injured wing, unable to fly. After weeks of nursing it back to health, the creature finally became healthy enough to move on its own and fend for itself. The handler released the creature into the night sky with the hope that some day his new friend would return to him.
Exactly one month had passed, and as the handler sat gazing at a full moon thinking about the magical events that had come and gone, suddenly the entire night sky filled with blackness, the moon and stars eclipsed by a dark, strangely organically flowing cloud. Naturally the handler was startled and confused, but as the fog loomed closer and closer he realized with relief his old friend had finally returned to him, along with the rest of its family. From that day forward Lunaris and handlers are said to have lived side by side, with one act of selfless kindness forming an unbreakable bond between two otherwise drastically different creatures.
Though, as this story is passed as legend between handlers, so it is with Lunaris as well. Be warned that when a Lunaris does choose to appear, it won't stay by a handler's side without a struggle.

Elemental Affinity


Of all Krafties Creatures, the Lunaris seems to break the pattern of color identity of the Elements most often.

Base Elements

Hybrid Elements

Special Elements

See Also


  • The Lunaris was first spotted 19. October 2012